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Project deliveries

We offer complete project deliveries of electrification solutions – including instrumentation, process electrification, and switchgear and medium voltage installations – all handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

Project services for industries 

We implement comprehensive electrification and automation projects for industry, energy production and energy distribution in Finland and abroad.

Our project services include project management and monitoring. In addition, we take care of procurements and logistics related to the project. We support our customers throughout the entire life cycle of projects, from planning to implementation.

We provide a fast and flexible service combined with our extensive project expertise. Our long-term customers trust us for even the most demanding projects.

Project expertise in critical infrastructure

Our services:

  • Process electrification and instrumentation
  • Switchboard and medium voltage installations
  • Energy storage projects

Our values ​​highlight sustainability, and we are strongly involved in critical infrastructure projects. We invest especially in expertise and projects related to new smart technologies that play a key role in realising future climate goals and the green transition.

Examples of these are our references for clean energy production projects and electricity storage implementations.


Ubitec Oy’s project delivery to Metsä Fibre’s new bioproduct mill in Kemi has been the largest in the history of the company, both in terms of scope and turnover. The mill represents the largest investment in the history of the Finnish forest industry. Read more from our article: Largest project delivery in Ubitec’s history completed in Kemi.

Process electri­fication and instru­menta­tion

We specialise in demanding instrumentation and process electrification projects. Solid experience and know-how in industrial projects and modernisation projects are our strengths.

Switchboard and medi­um voltage instal­lations

We specialise in installation work related to electricity distribution. We install medium and low voltage switchboards, transformers, medium voltage cables and busbars. We also have experience in very large implementations.

Energy storage pro­jects

We have strong technological expertise in this area that we have been able to develop in collaboration with our sister company Enico.